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June 23, 2007


Vic Anderson

For US employees, PEER at 202-265-7337 or [email protected] (strictly confidential). But the very real question is once the whistle is blown, whether anything effectively corrective will result. I can relate a public service career with regularly blown whistles in every known venue, spanning the environmental "awakening" since the early '70s, wherein the answer was no.

Keith Farnish

I concur with your thoughts to a certain extent, Vic, and thanks very much for the information.

Whistleblowing is certainly not always successful. As shown by the quotation, it relies on a combination of follow up activities and media interest - without these then, as you rightly state, the impact may be minimal. It is up to the NGOs and other vested bodies to make sure there is an outlet for whistleblowers to get their concerns escalated.


Robert  Lane

Individuals may blow whistles but people are more likely to show courage when supported by others. Organize a Green Council in your community, retirement home, union. Blow the whistle – but also try to change a noxious policy by persuasion and publicity. Bigcorp may not have a conscience, but universities, schools, hospitals, and retirement homes do.


Well said. Organizing a Green Council or Environmental Committee is a great idea and, readers, you may be surprised at how many people will be grateful to you for getting something started.

I am here at an annual conference of my pre-retirement professional association, and the first day I got thanked for putting a "Going Green Tips" sheet in the registration packets. To my surprise, someone else had arranged for the packets to be handed out in "green bags" so now 500 people will go home with reusable shopping bags! Nothing of this sort had ever been done before at our conference, but we are obviously heading in a new direction.

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